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Area Aptitude Test Paper 3

Area Aptitude Test Paper 3

11) What is the area of a square field whose side is 20 meters?

  1. 300 sq. m.
  2. 350 sq. m.
  3. 400 sq. m.
  4. 450 sq. m.

Answer: C


The area of a square = (side) 2
= (20)2
= 400 sq. m.

12) What is the area of a square field whose diagonal is 40 meters?

  1. 900 sq. m.
  2. 800 sq. m.
  3. 750 sq. m.
  4. 950 sq. m.

Answer: B


Area of a square = 1/2 (diagonal) 2

= 1/2 (40)2

= 1/2 * 1600

= 800 sq. m.

13) The length of a rectangle is thrice its breath, and its perimeter is 106 meters. What is its area?

  1. 507 sq. m.
  2. 508 sq. m.
  3. 509 sq. m.
  4. 510 sq. m.

Answer: A


Let the breath = x

So, the Length = 3x

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 (Length + Breadth)
So, 2 (3x + x) = 106
6x + 2x = 106
8x = 106
x = 104/8 = 13

Now, Breadth = 13, so, length = 13 * 3 = 39

So, its area = Length * Breadth
= 39 * 13 = 507 sq. m.

14) A rectangular grass field has a length of 85 meters and breadth of 65 meters. It is surrounded by a 5-meter wide path. Find the area of the Path and the cost of constructing it at Rs. 5 per square meter?

  1. 4000
  2. 6000
  3. 8000
  4. 7000

Answer: C


Area of the entire grass field including the path = Length (85 + 5 +5) * Breadth (65 + 5+5)
= 95 * 75 = 7125 sq. m.

Area of the grass field excluding the path = 85 * 65 = 5525 sq. m.

So, area of the path = 7125 – 5525 = 1600 sq. m.

The cost of constructing is Rs. 5 per square meter.

So, the cost of constructing the entire path = 1600 * 5 = Rs. 8000

15) If the area of the trapezium, whose parallel sides are 6 cm and 10 cm is 32 sq. cm, what will be the distance between the parallel sides?

  1. 2 cm
  2. 4 cm
  3. 5 cm
  4. 8 cm

Answer: B


Parallel sides of a trapezium = 6 cm, and 10 cm
Area of trapezium = Area Aptitude

( sum of the parallel sides ) × distance between the parallel sides
32= Area Aptitude( 6+10 ) × distance

32=8 × distance

Distance = 32/8 = 4 cm

So, the distance between the parallel lines of trapezium = 4 cm.

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